poetry repairs your heart
even as it splits it open. VIRGINIA WOOLF The Art of Reading] REPAIR resort, frequent or habitual going; concourse or confluence of people at or in a place; making one's way; to go, betake oneself, to arrive; return to a place; to dwell; to recover, heal, or cure; to renew; to fix to original condition. directory of previous issues: for a year of issues directory go to issue 12 of that year YY http://www.poetryrepairs.com/vYY/c12.html |
welcome to POETRYREPAIRS - contemporary international
poetry for your reading pleasure, poetry from new and established poets poetryrepairs.com #222 16.03 LYN LIFSHIN. Regarding Men page 025 LYN LIFSHIN | The Man across the Hall |
LYN LIFSHIN | The Man Who Holds Me
LYN LIFSHIN | The Man across the Room in the Ballroom
page 027
VERNON WARING | bag of tricks
VERNON WARING | Julia Warhola Speaks
page 028
LYN LIFSHIN | The Man in front of Me Has Run Out of the Metro Station
HEIDI B MORRELL | Kingdom of Sea
HEIDI B MORRELL | A Little Fresh Air
page 029
LYN LIFSHIN | He was the Kind of Editor
GREGG DOTOLI | After Night Snow
page 030
LYN LIFSHIN | Branbury Beach
C. S. FUQUA | Fade
C. S. FUQUA | Nesting Empty
page 031
LYN LIFSHIN | In Those First Moments
031POET2 | 031POEM2
031POET3 | 031POEM3
page 032
LYN LIFSHIN | My Father, Those Days, How I Hated HowHe was Glued to the Radio
LYN LIFSHIN | I Don't Want to be My Father's Daughter
page 033
LYN LIFSHIN | Hardly Any are Left
MARC CARVER | Obscurity
MARC CARVER | A Good Licking
page 034
LYN LIFSHIN | Snake Dream
MARK A. MURPHY | Snow Dream
MARK A. MURPHY | Interstellar
page 035
LYN LIFSHIN | The Ones Gone, But Lovers I'm Sure I'll See Again
KENNETH KESNER | Circa 1905 Near the Irawadi
call for poetry
page 036
LYN LIFSHIN | The Cardiologist Has Left His Wife to Tango
LYN LIFSHIN | The Cardiologist
LYN LIFSHIN | The Cardiologist Dumps His Wife to Run Off to Tango
poetryrepairs.com #222 16.03
please link to poetryrepairs @ http://www.poetryrepairs.com/v16/c02.html
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POETRYREPAIRS introduces and encourages development of new and established poets [and writers on poetry-related subjects] who seek an international idiom in poetry,
POETRYREPAIRS explores all facets of poetry: its philosophy, literary criticism, theory and praxis. We invite informational, plain-language essays on poetry-related subjects: for example, local-provincial-regional-national-international-multicultural poetry, commentary, interviews, opinion, reviews of books-performances-writing programs, and discussions on issues relevant to poets, their poems, and poetry readers.
[POETRYREPAIRS seeks writers in the global creative community. We will publish local-provincial-regional-national-international-multicultural poetry, We favor writing that is reasoned/rational and accessible to international readers.]
POETRYREPAIRS wants you to gather with friends, to recite poetry over food and beverage, to debate its messages, and to light candles in darkened places.
poetryrepairs.com invites your essay on poetry, or on a poet or poets, and, also, essays on all things related to poetry, its theory and its practice. Or, simply comment on a poem/poet on poetryrepairs.com
Privacy Statement
POETRYREPAIRS policy is to respect the purpose for which visitors give us information and to respect our poets' need for privacy. The sole exception is 'We share necessary information when nominating a poet/poem for awards.'
We never give, sell, nor rent information to third parties for email marketing or other purposes. We may have advertising , affiliates, and partners; but no personal information is released to them.
POETRYREPAIRS introduces and encourages development of new and established poets [and writers on poetry-related subjects] who seek an international idiom in poetry,
POETRYREPAIRS explores all facets of poetry: its philosophy, literary criticism, theory and praxis. We invite informational, plain-language essays on poetry-related subjects: for example, local-provincial-regional-national-international-multicultural poetry, commentary, interviews, opinion, reviews of books-performances-writing programs, and discussions on issues relevant to poets, their poems, and poetry readers.
[POETRYREPAIRS seeks writers in the global creative community. We will publish local-provincial-regional-national-international-multicultural poetry, We favor writing that is reasoned/rational and accessible to international readers.]
POETRYREPAIRS wants you to gather with friends, to recite poetry over food and beverage, to debate its messages, and to light candles in darkened places.
poetryrepairs.com invites your essay on poetry, or on a poet or poets, and, also, essays on all things related to poetry, its theory and its practice. Or, simply comment on a poem/poet on poetryrepairs.com
Privacy Statement
POETRYREPAIRS policy is to respect the purpose for which visitors give us information and to respect our poets' need for privacy. The sole exception is 'We share necessary information when nominating a poet/poem for awards.'
We never give, sell, nor rent information to third parties for email marketing or other purposes. We may have advertising , affiliates, and partners; but no personal information is released to them.